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Understanding Hearing Loss in the Early Years (VAT Exempt)

Dates: To be arranged. Please contact Paula Holloway for more information if interested.

9.30am – 12.30 pm

Cost: £30 per person.

Who is this course for:  Staff in Pre-school settings

Venue: Venue to be confirmed

Areas Covered: -

•Understanding hearing loss and different audiological equipment.
•Understanding individual child’s hearing loss and needs.
•Implications of hearing loss on language, learning and communication
•Managing equipment – ‘hands on workshops’.
•Practical advice on classroom support strategies and deaf awareness approaches.

Course Outcomes: -

•An understanding of different types of hearing loss and how this affects the child you support.
•A better understanding of hearing impairment and its implications in the setting.
•A greater knowledge of how to troubleshoot problems with audiological equipment.
•Practical Strategies for inclusion.

This course will be delivered by the Hearing Support Team..
