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Induction for New SENDCos

Dates: Wednesday 22 January 2025 & Wednesday 5 February 2025​ 1:15-4:00pm - 2 half days​

Who is this course for:​

  • New SENCos
  • SENCos who are new to Leicester City
  • Assistant SENCos
  • Any SENCo wanting a refresher

 CostFree for all Leicester City Schools

VenueNew Parks House​, Pindar Road, Leicester. LE3 9RN​

Areas Covered: ​

We will be looking at: ​

  • The SENDCo Role
  • SEND systems.
  • The graduated response.
  • What to do/who to involve and how to involve them at each stage.
  • Requirements for involving outside agencies
  • What makes an effective JPM.
  • Introduction to E3 / EHCPs
  • SENCo yearly planner.
  • SEND Audits​

​Course Outcomes: ​

  • Better understanding of the SEND systems in Leicester City​
  • An opportunity to network with other SENCos



ELKLAN Speech and language support for 5 – 11’s updated intensive 3 day course

Areas Covered: 

•This course is delivered in 3 intensive days over a 10-week period.
•The course explains the communication process and difficulties that children may experience with speech, language and communication.
•The course provides a range of practical strategies that may be used by teaching assistants in their work in the classroom or when supporting individual children.


Course Outcomes: 

•Accreditation at level 2 or level 3 (OCN).
•Increased understanding of the communication process.
•Increased understanding of speech, language and communication needs in children.
•Knowledge of a range of strategies, approaches and resources to use in the classroom and with individual children to support SLCN.


This is an intensive 3-day course. All sessions must be attended in full to gain accreditation.

10th January 20205

31st January 2025

28th February 2025

All sessions run 9-4:30pm.

Who Is It For: 

Teaching assistants -Key Stages 1 and 2.

Fee: - 

£430 per delegate, includes registration fee and book. 


Venue: New Parks House, Leicester LE3 9RN




NB for accreditation delegates are expected to submit a short, written learning log weekly online.

This course will be delivered by accredited Elklan trainers form the LCI Team. (Jeanette Wright)


ELKLAN Speech and language support for 11-16s


Dates for this course can be amended to suit the needs of delegates:

1) A 10-week course  1-3pm in the Spring term 2025

2) A 3-day course 9-4:30pm with dates in the Spring term

3) Run as a 10-week course as part of the 5-11 Elklan course on the previous page.

Who Is It For: Teaching assistants -Key Stages 3 and 4.

FEE: - £430 per delegate, includes registration fee and book.

Venue: Face to face (venue to be confirmed). 

Areas Covered: 

•This course is delivered on one afternoon a week for 10 Weeks
•The course explains the communication process and difficulties that students may experience with speech, language and communication.
•The course provides a range of practical strategies that may be used by teaching assistants in their work in the classroom or when supporting individual students.

Course Outcomes: 

•Accreditation at level 2 or level 3 (OCN).
•Increased understanding of the communication process.
•Increased understanding of speech, language and communication needs in students.
•Knowledge of a range of strategies, approaches and resources to use in the classroom and with individual students to support SLCN.

NB for accreditation delegates are expected to submit a short, written learning log weekly.

This course will be delivered by an accredited Elklan trainer from the LCI Team. (Jeanette Wright)

Please contact to discuss suitable dates / options for the course delivery


Impact of EAL on learners with SEND


Thursday 7 November 2024  Online via Teams

9:00 -12:30am

Who is this course for: SENCos, EAL leads and teachers KS1-4

Cost: £75 per delegate 

Venue: Online via TEAMs

Areas Covered: 

•Difference and overlap between learners with EAL and SEND
•How does having EAL impact on SEND?
•Obtaining linguistic profiles of pupils
•Strategies and support for EAL/SEND learners

Course Outcomes: 

•Understand how to identify SEN in EAL learners
•Understand the impact of EAL on pupils with SEND
•Identify strategies and interventions to support SEND learners with EAL.
•Know where to get further advice and support

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Jeanette Wright)


School Based Assessment of Speech, Language and Communication Needs

Dates: -  (Two Full Days) (Delegates must attend both days)​ Wednesday 05 March & Wednesday26 March 2025

Both days 9am-3pm

Who is this course for: SENDCos and SEN Teachers.  HLTAs or Level 3 teaching assistants with responsibility for assessment.

Fee: offered for free as part ELSEC project 

Venue: Face to face. Entrance A, Room G.3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, new Parks, Leicester LE3 9RN

Areas Covered: 

Day One.

•Develop knowledge of different areas of SLCN: speech, language, and communication.
•How SLCN presents in the classroom.
•An exploration of  different ways to identify SLCN difficulties.
•A practical exploration of formal and informal language assessments to use in school.

 Day Two.

•Discussion of findings from case study work and recommended language assessment work.
•How to analyse language assessments.
•Identifying ways to support pupils  with SLCN needs within the classroom setting.
•Exploring evidence-based intervention approaches.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Jeanette Wright)


School Based Assessment of Speech, Language and Communication Needs: Summer Term

Dates: -  (Two Full Days) (Delegates must attend both days)​ Wednesday 14th May 2025 & Wednesday 11th June 2025

Both days 9am-3pm


The Hall, G.1

New Parks House 

47 Pindar Rd, Leicester LE3 9RN


Who is this course for: SENDCos and SEN Teachers.  HLTAs or Level 3 teaching assistants with responsibility for assessment.


Fee: offered for free as part ELSEC project 

Venue: Face to face. Entrance A, Room G.3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, new Parks, Leicester LE3 9RN

Areas Covered: 

Day One.

•Develop knowledge of different areas of SLCN: speech, language, and communication.

•How SLCN presents in the classroom.

•An exploration of  different ways to identify SLCN difficulties.

•A practical exploration of formal and informal language assessments to use in school.

 Day Two.

•Discussion of findings from case study work and recommended language assessment work.

•How to analyse language assessments.

•Identifying ways to support pupils  with SLCN needs within the classroom setting.

•Exploring evidence-based intervention approaches.



This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Jeanette Wright)


School Based Assessment and Identification of SpLD

Dates: - (2 Day Course) 9:00am – 3:30pm​ both days

Autumn Course: - Wednesday 2 October &  Wednesday 30 October 2024


Summer Course: - Wednesday 7 May & 4 June 2024.

Venue: Entrance A, New Parks House, Pindar Road leicester LE3 9RN

Who is this course for: SENCos and teachers

Fee: £300 per delegate for a two day course.


Areas Covered: 

Day One: 

•The SpLD pathway and early monitoring process.
•Understanding of standardised assessment terminology.
•Basic literacy and language assessments to use in school.

Day Two: 

•Case studies of pupils with SpLD and SLCN.
•Understanding of how pupils with SpLD present in school.
•Support in interpreting assessment results and making judgements.
•Awareness of effective provisions of pupils with SpLD.

Course Outcomes: 

•Be able to complete basic language and literacy assessments.
•Have increased confidence in interpreting results of assessments.
•Have increased confidence in identifying pupils with SpLD.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Kate Keaveny & Holly Hincks)


Dyslexia Awareness (Online)


5th February and 12th February 2025

3:45-5:30pm 2 sessions

Who is this course for: SENCOs, Teachers, TAs  primary and secondary

Fee: £75 per delegate

Venue: Will be run via Microsoft Teams

Areas Covered: 

•Definition of dyslexia.
•Range of difficulties associated with dyslexia.
•Strategies to support those with indicators of dyslexia

 Course Outcomes: 

•Increased understanding of dyslexia.
•Knowledge of a range of effective strategies to address the impact of specific learning difficulties.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Kate Keaveny)


An Introduction to Inference Training and Boosting Reading Comprehension in Key Stages 2 And 3

Dates: CANCELLED​ Tuesday 21 January and Tuesday 28th january 2025

(Delegates to attend both sessions)

Who is this course for:​ A teacher who will supervise and teaching assistants who will deliver the training

Fee:​ £315 per delegate including digital access to the inference training resource file.

Venue: ​Online - Microsoft Teams

Areas Covered: 

•The key components of comprehension and barriers students may face.
•Completing a diagnostic conversation with students
•How inference training can be delivered by teaching assistants to groups of four or five pupils for 40 minutes, twice a week over twelve weeks.
•The contents of the folder.

Course Outcomes: 

•Adults become more sensitised to reading comprehension difficulties in a classroom and intervention context.
•Attendees will learn how to complete a diagnostic conversation to ‘unpick’ a learners comprehension difficulties.
•Attendees can deliver the intervention with groups of pupils to achieve significant progress.
•Participants will know about the contents of the folder

 This course will be delivered by (LCI)



Early Comprehension Activities and Games

Dates: Thursday 15th May 2025 1:00pm – 4:00pm 

Who is this course for: Key Stage One teachers and Teaching assistants

Cost: £75 per delegate

Venue:  Training Room G 3. New Parks House,Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN

Areas Covered: 

•Strategies to use to develop comprehension in Key Stage One
•Games and activities that will help children to develop understanding of different question types and how to answer them.

 Course Outcomes: 

•Teachers will gain a range of strategies to teach young children comprehension skills in a fun way. 
•Teachers will have some resources and games that they can use when working with small groups of children.

This course will be delivered by Kate Keaveny from the LCI Team.


School Based Assessment in Mathematics

 2-day course 

Who is this course for: SENDCos, SEN Teachers with responsibility for assessments in Maths.

Date: Wednesday 26th February 2025 and Thursday 27th March 2025.

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm

Cost: £150

Venue: T raining Room G 3. New Parks House,  Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Areas Covered: 

Day One: (am only)

•Understanding the challenges inherent in learning mathematics.
•Exploring some of the ways we can identify mathematical difficulties.
•Introduction to the ‘Quick Numeracy Check’ (QNC) and other useful assessments.

Day Two: (am only)

•What is maths anxiety?
•Discussion of findings from your exploration of Numeracy SBA in school.
•Identifying ways to support pupils who are finding maths challenging in class through high quality teaching.
•Exploring evidence-based intervention approaches.
•A brief introduction to dyscalculia.

Course Outcomes: 

•Receive a QNC resource pack
•Be able to complete basic maths-assessments.
•Knowledge of high-quality teaching and resources to use with pupils who find maths challenging.
•Increased confidence in identifying pupils with dyscalculia or maths anxiety.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team Kate Westwood.



An introduction to teaching children with a Development Co-ordination Disorder (Dyspraxia)

Dates:  Thursday 14th November 2024

9:00am – 12:00pm

Who is this course for: Sencos, TAs and class teachers (F2-Year 6)

Cost:: £75 per delegate

Venue: Training Room G 1, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Areas Covered: 

  • What is a Developmental Co-ordination Disorder?
  • How does this affect young people in school from FS to Y6?
  • How can we support young people with a DCD in school?
  • How can we be more inclusive for young people with a DCD?


Delegates will:

  • Gain an understanding of what DCD/Dyspraxia is and how we can support young people in school from years FS to Y6 to be included and successful.

This course will be delivered by Sam Marriott from the LCI Team.


Supporting Pupils with Down’s Syndrome in School

Dates: - (2 Morning Sessions)

Thursday 31st October 2024, & Thursday 7th November 2024,

9:00am – 12:00pm

 (Delegates to attend both sessions)

Who is this course for: Those involved with supporting Down’s pupils in KS 1, 2 and 3.

Fee: £150 per delegate

Venue: Will be run via Microsoft Teams

Areas Covered: 

•Overview of Down’s Syndrome.
•The profile of strengths and difficulties that a Down’s Pupil may have.
•Developing their literacy.
•Language development.
•Ways to support their learning across the curriculum.

 Course Outcomes:

•Course participants will develop an understanding of Down’s Syndrome pupils and acquire practical strategies to support their learning, independence and participation in school life.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Becky Desborough)


Play Interaction for Children Who have Communication & Interaction Needs: Includes Early Years


{CANCELLED }Thursday 31st October 2024  9:30-3:30 


Wednesday 26th February 2025 9:30-3:30 

Who is this course for: Teaching assistants & SENCos.

Fee: £150 

Venue: Training Room G 1, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

  •  Areas Covered:
    • An introduction to Play Interaction, focusing on how this intervention supports children who have communication and interaction needs and autism.​

    • An overview of the development of social interaction, communication and play skills in typically developing children and the identification of delays and differences in these areas.​

    • Planning and delivering of Play Interaction sessions, including adapting activities and supporting progression and generalisation.​

    • An opportunity to practise techniques and strategies that can be used in Play interaction sessions.​

  •  Course Outcomes: 
    • Review the development of social communication and interaction, and the play skills in typically developing children. ​

    • Identify needs for pupils who have communication and interaction differences and autism.​

    • Identify approaches to develop and support social communication, interaction, listening and attention and play skills.​

    • Learn how to plan and deliver a Play Interaction session, adapting them for individual needs and using a range of strategies, activities and resources.​

This course will be delivered by both Kirti Patel LCI Team and Cath Jackson EYST Team


Supporting pupils with complex needs in mainstream

Date: To be confirmed.

Who is this course for: Teachers and TAs in mainstream schools

Cost: £150 per delegate

Venue: Room G.3, New Parks House Entrance A, New Parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN

Areas Covered: 

  • Understanding of complex needs
  • Effective ways to integrate pupils, including during play.
  • Meeting need through differentiation and personalised planning
  • Teaching approaches and the multi-sensory learning environment.
  • Language and communication strategies.
  • Assessment, outcomes and accurate monitoring of progress.

Course Outcomes

  • Participants will have:
  • increased confidence in supporting pupils with more complex needs
  • Information about making secure judgements about pupil baseline assessment and progress.
  • knowledge of effective teaching methodology and differentiation strategies to support the child’s learning and well-being
  • knowledge of other training materials and support organisations 

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team


Autism Education Trust (AET) Schools: Extending and Enhancing Good Autism Practice (3days)


Spring Term: Wednesday 29th January, ​5th February & 12th February 2025.​ 3 days 9:00am-4:00pm


Who is this course for: This module is for SENDCo. teachers and teaching assistants who work with autistic pupils (5–16). 

FEE:  £370 per delegate.  £450 for teacher and teaching assistant pairs

Venue:  Training Room G 1, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible .

Areas Covered:

  • Provide an overview of what is meant by autisms.
  • Develop an understanding of how behaviours are impacted by the impaired social communication skills and sensory difficulties.
  • Provide practical strategies to meet the needs of students with autisms, including an introduction to specific interventions, e.g. social stories™, Circles of Friends, visual systems and strategies.

Course Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to understand how autism impacts on the social, emotional and academic progress of a child with autism.
  • Participants will have practical strategies and knowledge of interventions to use to better meet the needs of those with autisms.
  • Increased awareness of how the physical environment can aid or detract from teaching those with autisms.
  • Staff will have increased knowledge in how to identify and support pupils with autism.
  • Virtual copy of “Tools for teachers”.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team (AET Autism Specialist Teachers).



Autism Education Trust (AET) Leadership Inclusion and Structural Reasonable Adjustments: The Suite of Resources for Leaders

Who is this course for: School SENDCo, Leaders and Autism Champions (School and Post16). Need to have attended previous GAP training

Date: Wednesday 9th April 2025

Time: 9:00am-4:00pm

Cost: £75 per delegate 

Venue: Training Room G 3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible.

Areas Covered: 

•Two modules for leaders to support culture change and improve Good Autism Practice (GAP)
•To look at how inclusive provision and structural reasonable adjustments can help a setting to be outstanding.​
•To consider what is needed to lead culture change in a setting.​
•To know about AET resources and guidance that can support leaders to provide inclusive environments through structural reasonable adjustments.​
•To consider different ways of making structural reasonable adjustments to ensure autistic children and young people are fully supported.
•A wide range of additional resources to support leaders to manage culture change and implement GAP

Learning objectives

•To understand the importance of the GAP Principles and Inclusion Promises.
•To be able to develop a culture where autistic children and young people ​feel listened to, supported and included.​
•To have the skills, tools and confidence to lead change in their setting.​
•To have a good understanding of educational legislation related to inclusion.​
•To reflect on and plan next steps for what is required ​
•To lead change and fully embed an inclusive culture. ​
•To understand how to embed the Autism Standards Framework to improve good autism practice.​


How to Use Social Stories & Comic Strip Conversations to Support Social Skills for Autistic CYP

Dates: Wednesday 5th February 2025


Cost: £75 per delegate

Venue: Training Room G 3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible

Who is this course for:

SENDCos, Class teachers, Teaching Assistants

Areas Covered: 

Social stories™ and Comic Strip Conversations can help autistic people develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe.

•Develop self care skills, social skills and academic abilities
•Help someone to understand how others might behave or respond in a particular situation
•Help others understand the perspective of an autistic person and why they may respond or behave in a particular way
•Help a person to cope with changes to routine and unexpected or distressing events (for example, absence of teacher, moving house, thunderstorms)
•Provide positive feedback to a person about an area of strength or achievement in order to develop self-esteem
•As a behavioural strategy (for example, what to do when angry, how to cope with obsessions). 

Course Outcomes

  • To know why Social Stories™ support pupils with autism​
  • To be able to write a Social Story"

This course will be delivered by Oia Delucchi LCI Team.


TA Network Meetings (for Those Working with Children With Autism)


Wednesday 12th March 2025 1:00pm-3:00pm

Who is this course for: Teaching Assistants where the teaching assistant (TA) has attended Autism Education Trust (AET) Making Sense of Autism Level 1 Training.

Fee: Free for 1 delegate per (Leicester City School).

£30 for extra delegates

Venue: Training Room G 3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible.

Areas Covered: 

•Emotional Regulation
•Using sensory experiences to support children with autism. 
•Tweens and Teens  with autism and the types of issues they may experience and the support that they may need.
•Managing Change.

 Course Outcomes:

•Teaching Assistants will be able to share how they support:​
• Emotional Regulation of the autistic children they work with. ​
• Sensory experiences in the autistic children they work with. ​
•The autistic Tweens and Teens they work with​
•The autistic children they work with to manage change​
•Teaching Assistants will be able to ask questions and share good practise (please bring along any relevant resources).​

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team.


Transition Training for Teaching Assistants who Support Autistic Pupils in Year 6

Dates:  Wednesday 9th April 2025 1:00-3:00pm

course for: Teaching assistants (TAs) who have attended Autism Education Trust (AET) Making Sense of Autism Level 1 Training.

Fees: Please note that this course is free for the first delegate per school with a charge of £30.00 for each additional delegate - discounts will be applied at the checkout

Venue: Training Room G 4, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible.

Areas Covered:

The training offers techniques for effective transition planning for young people on the autism spectrum who are going to Secondary School.

Course Outcomes:

  • Teaching Assistants will be able to share how they support their Tweens and Teens experiences in the autistic children they work with.
  • Teaching Assistants will be able to share how they support Year 6 transition with the autistic children they work with.

 This course will be deliverd by Allison Hill & Pravina parmar LCI Team


Introduction to a Structured Learning Approach for Autistic CYP - Using Visual Strategies

Dates: -

Wednesday 27th November 2024. 9:15-3:00pm 


Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 9:15-3:00pm

Who is this course for: SENDCos, Teachers and Teaching Assistant pairs.

Fee: £150 per delegate

Venue:  New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Will be run via Microsoft Teams if face to face not possible.

Areas Covered: 

•Overview of a structured learning approach.
•Using visual strategies as part of structured learning to develop  independence.
•Using Task Boxes or similar as part of structured learning. 

Course Outcomes: 

•Know that structured learning is a core approach for autistic children and young people, included in the BERA (Best Endeavours and Reasonable Adjustments) and on individual EHCPs. 
•Develop an understanding of structured learning approaches and supporting visual strategies, and its advantages to increase understanding and reduce anxiety.
•Plan for individual students to support and increase their independence.
•Learn how to access tools and resources to create visual structured strategies.

Understand how to use and evaluate sample Task Boxes or similar resources to promote independent learning

This course will be delivered by Kirti Patel LCI Team 



Introduction to Autism: Parent Workshops School Years 1-5 (Primary) (VAT Exempt)

Dates: - (4 Day workshop)

Wednesdays: 30th October 2024, 6th November 2024, 13th November 2024, & 20th November 2024.

9:30am – 12:30pm ​-
Who is this course for:​ Parents and Carers.
Fee: Free
Venue: Teams Virtual Call
Areas Covered:
•To develop an understanding of Autisms.
•To identify how autism can affect families.
•To have information about what is available for families in Leicester city and beyond.
 Course Outcomes:
•Gain a better understanding of autism.
•Provide families with information.
•Signpost to support organisations.
•Gain an understanding of what is meant by Social Communication.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.
•Gain a better understanding of Sensory Processing in autism.
•Explore your child’s sensory differences.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.
•an understand of what is meant by emotional regulation.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.
This course will be delivered by Pia Delucchi LCI Team.


Cues Training (Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations)

Who is this course for: Parents (Same parents to attend all 8 sessions)​

Dates: ​Course of 8 sessions


Summer terms

30th April 2025,

7th May 2025, 14th May 2025, 21st May 2025,

4th June 2025, 11th June 2025, 18th June 2025 and 25th June 2025

9:00 -12:00


Cost: Free to Parents attending

Venue:  Training Room 1.2, New Parks House, Pindar Road, New parks, Leicester. LE3 9RN.

Areas Covered: ​

Coping with Uncertainty in Everyday Situations (CUES)​

The CUES intervention programme supports parents in gaining confidence in their ability to recognise and manage their child's difficulties with uncertainty through group learning opportunities. ​

A parent-based programme of intervention based on CBT principles, focusing specifically on intolerance of uncertainty for young people with ASD experiencing anxiety​

Course Outcomes: ​

To help parents develop an understanding of uncertainty and its impact, try out strategies and share opportunities for discussion and support​

​This course will be delivered by Ollie walker LCI Team.​


Introduction to Autism: Parent Workshops School Years 1-11 (delivered in Hindi)

Parent Autism Workshops: For families of autistic pupils in years 1 to 11. Training will be delivered in Hindi only (suitable for Gujarati, Punjabi and Urdu speaking parents who understand the Hindi language)

Dates: 4 day course

Thursdays:  1st May, 8th May, 15th May and 22nd May 2025

 Time: 9.30-12.30pm

Venue:  Face to face. Belgrave Sure Start, Cossington Street, Leicester. LE4 6JD

Who is it for: Parents & carers

Families (of no more than 2 adults) can sign up

Fee: Free

Areas Covered: 

•To develop an understanding of Autisms.
•To identify how autism can affect families.
•To have information about what is available for families in Leicester city and beyond.


Course Outcomes: 

•Gain a better understanding of autism.
•Provide families with information.
•Signpost to support organisations.
•Gain an understanding of what is meant by Social Communication.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.
•Gain a better understanding of Sensory Processing in autism.
•Explore your child’s sensory differences.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.
•an understand of what is meant by emotional regulation.
•Provide practical ideas and strategies to support your child.

This course will be delivered by the LCI Team. (Pravina Parmar)


AET Schools - Making Sense of Autism and Practical Supporting Strategies

Who is this course for: All staff in schools. Targeted to those new in ASD who have missed whole school training.

Date: Thursday 23 January 2025.

Time: 9:00am-12:30pm

Cost: £75

Venue: New Parks House, Pindar Road, Leicester, LE3 9RN

Areas Covered:

•Provide an overview of what is meant by autisms.
•Develop an understanding of how behaviours are impacted by the impaired social communication skills and sensory difficulties.
•Provide practical strategies to meet the needs of students with autisms, including an introduction to specific interventions, e.g. social stories™, Circles of Friends, visual systems and strategies.

Course Outcomes:

•Participants will be able to understand how autism impacts on the social, emotional and academic progress of a child with autism.

The course will be delivered by the LCI Team (AET Autism Specialist Teachers).


Lets Talk (Intervention Training)

Dates:  Wednesday 19th March ​ 9:00-3:30pm

Who is this course for: SENDCos, Teachers and Teaching Assistant pairs or 2 TAs if SENDCo has already trained in Let’s Talk.

Fee: £150 per delegate + £65 per school for electronic resources folder

Venue: Training room G 3, New Parks House, Pindar Road, Leicester, LE3 9RN

Areas Covered:

  • The communication process.
  • What a language group looks like.
  • Pre and post screening.
  • Language group activities

Course Outcomes:

  • The Delegates will be equipped to run a Let’s Talk Language group intervention.


Each School will receive access to a Virtual folder which contains: -

  • Pre & Post screening materials.
  • 10 weeks of Language group plans for KS1 and KS2 Children.
  • Printable Resources.

To be delivered by the LCI Team : Kate Westwood
